Letters to the Editor

February 20, 2004
Bill Hine, Omemee
Mr Minister,
    I am deeply offended by the answer that you recently presented to the Council of the former Victoria County. You state that some Municipalities would be in serious difficulty if they reverted to the former structure. They were not before the forced amalgamation, in fact only a few municipalities carried a debt load, namely, Lindsay (19Million), Bobcaygeon/Verulam, and Woodville. These communities benefited greatly from amalgamation, because their debts were helped to be paid off by the rest of the communities.
    Is it true that you did not believe all that you said,
and was reported in Hansard, about Urban and Rural not being a suitable mix? and that Local citizens know what is best for them? or was that just political grandstanding?
    The Citizens voted under a Minister's Question on the ballot, and quite clearly asked to return to the former structure, if you truly believe in Democracy, you and your cohorts will allow Victoria County to rise again and become what she always was, a true democracy where Citizens can be heard and heeded, and not sloughed off as inconsequential.
     I have been in this fight for the past 3 years, and spent much time and my own money in fighting this mess, with my colleagues we ran petitions (over 11,000) sent to the Legislature, and presented by your colleagues in the then Opposition, who sided with our view that forced amalgamation's do not work. We also did a referendum at which over 96% of the turnout voted in favour of de-amalgamation almost 7,000 voters. Do not continue to make a mockery of democracy,allow the de-amalgamation to take place, your government has broken enough of it's promises to date, and I can assure you that we in Victoria County will show you that we have not yet begun to fight. RISE VICTORIA.
     Sincerely, Bill Hine, Senior Citizen

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